Avocado toast is a go to brunch for me. I love finding ways to jazz it up and add toppings that make it feel more filling. Lately I've been adding loads of mushrooms, I always have them in my fridge and they really make the toast taste even more savory. I also always have loads of marinated artichokes (from Trader Joe's) in my fridge and I always look for excuses to put them on stuff and avocado toast is perfect.

This recipe is super simple and easy to make and you probably already have most of the ingredients already. I used a chopped portobello mushroom cap, a few marinated artichokes (drained well), a small handful of leftover kale and of course toast and avocado.
How to make this avocado toast
The first thing I like to do is make the toppings so I added the mushrooms and drained artichoke halves to a pan with a little oil over medium heat. I cook them for about 8 minutes while stirring. Then I add in the handful of kale. I seasoned everything with a little garlic powder, onion powder and salt. Then I toast my bread with a little vegan butter or extra virgin oil. Finally, I'll mash my avocado with a little lemon juice and salt and spread it on the toast and add on the toppings.

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