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Meet our new pup Rico & help us guess his breed

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

We've had Rico for approximately 4 months now and he has grown incredibly fast. Right now he weighs almost 50 pounds. He was only 5 weeks when I got him. I could pick him up with one hand and carry him around like a little loaf of bread. He was still pretty big at that time weighing approximately 10 pounds. We didn't know much about his breed especially since he was a stray. We did know that his mom was an all white pitbull but we have no clue about his other half. Lots of people have guessed Cane Corso which are huge dogs. We've also heard lots of Presa Canario and Great Dane.

What do you think??


Here he is the day we got him!

Now at just 4 months he's over 22 inches tall and around 50 pounds.

1 Comment

neil jiohu
neil jiohu
Oct 09, 2024

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