Everything You Need To Know
Parasite Cleansing Overview
Sleep Disorders
Muscle & Joint Aches
Muscle Spasms
Weight Gain
Weight Loss
Loss of Appetite
Foggy Memory
Anemia/Low Iron
Cystic Acne
Poor Digestion
Hair Loss
Dry Skin
Brittle Nails
Bad Food Cravings
Low Immunity
Candida “Yeast”
Foul Smelling Gas
Foul Smelling Breath
Stomach Cramping
Excessive Bloating
Bad Skin
Food Allergies
Strange Appetite
Made with 100% Organic Ingredients
Unlike formulas sold on store shelves each and every cleanse is made by hand to order using only the finest, organic, high quality herbs that are most effective for eliminating intestinal parasite and stopping there life cycle. Including yeast and candida. In addition to the parasite cleansing herbs, the formula also contains herbs that remove unwanted yeast/candida, and mucus. It also stimulates healthy liver and kidney functioning to promote overall health. Please Note that these herbs are extremely BITTER to taste. These key herbs include:
Wormwood Leaf - Historically used for removing intestinal parasites and stimulating healthy digestion
Clove - Kills parasite eggs and larvae. Improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Black Walnut Hull -Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and a fungicide used to treat intestinal worms.
Pau D'Arco - Helps balance healthy bacteria and rids the body of yeast/candida, viruses and parasites.
Dandelion Leaf - .Blood cleanser, stimulates the production of bile and aids in digestion
Burdock Root - Detoxifies the lymphatic system, promotes healthy gut bacteria & promotes healthy skin and hair
These herbs are prepared much like an herbal infusion tea. The taste is extremely bitter and very potent. But the healing magic is in the bitterness. Here is a bit of information on why the bitterness is both important and beneficial to our overall health. Our digestive system is designed to respond to various flavors including sweet, salty and even bitter. When bitter herbs are consumed, they naturally stimulate the production of saliva, gastric juices and bile to balance the appetite and promote healthy digestion. Throughout history cultures all over the world have used bitter herbs to promote healthy digestion, and rid the body of unwanted parasites.
During the cleansing process it is extremely important to maintain a healthy flow of digestion which means that you need have be 3-4 bowel movements per day. In fact, a healthy digestive system should promote 3 bowel movements a day .Just think about it. The average person eats 3 times a day and if you are not having 3 bowel movements a day that means your food is literally sitting and clogging up your digestive system which in itself can cause issues with your health. In order to make sure you have enough bowel movements each kit also contains an additional digestive herbal blend designed to promote healthy digestion and elimination during the cleansing process.
These herbs included:
Senna Leaf - Aids in bowel elimination
Slippery Elm (ethically harvested) - Soothes the digestive tract and eliminates Inflammation.
Marshmallow Root - Soothes digestive issues including diarrhea, stomach ulcers, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut

1. Start your parasite cleanse when you have a day off. This will give you the opportunity to see how your body reacts.
2. Stock up on water and healthy foods before you begin your cleanse. This will reduce any dietary slip ups and help keep you on track.
3. Drink plenty of water. This is one of the most important factors when cleansing. Drinking plenty of water (a gallon a day) will minimize detox/die-off symptoms and help flush out harmful toxins.
4. EAT CLEAN....detoxes are NOT the time to indulge in foods that are not healthy. It's extremely important to discipline yourself and eat plenty of fresh leafy green veggies. So follow the food list included and remember that the results are worth it.
5. Get some ginger....cleansing can be tough on your belly and it's very common to experience excessive bloating and gas. One of the best ways to deal with it is by incorporating fresh ginger into your regimen. You can juice it and drink ginger shots or even make fresh ginger tea.
6. Drink your tea cold and with a straw!!! BITTER Herbs are exactly what you'd imagine them to be....BITTER. I've found that drinking it cold and with a straw makes it more tolerable.
7. Use a probiotic..using a probiotic can help reduce detox symptoms as well as help with things like Candida. If you do decide to take a probiotic make sure you take it at night before bed and AFTER you have drank your herbs for the day.
8. Recognize detox/die off symptoms. Things like headaches, upset stomach, bloating, gas, frequent urination and bowel movements, cold/flu symptoms, loose stools, breakouts, and fatigue are all very common detox symptoms that occur when cleansing. This happens when your body is trying to remove an overwhelming amount of toxins. In most cases these symptoms pass. Just drink plenty of water and keep eating clean. You can even take a day or two off from using your herbs when necessary.
9. Add lots of fresh garlic, pumpkin seeds, coconut to your diet. They all help eliminate parasites and will maximize your results.
10. Make ADJUSTMENTS. Everyone's body is different. If you begin to experience things like excessive diarrhea and cramps make sure you reduce the amount of the digestive blend your using. If you feel like you're not going to the bathroom enough increase the amount your using.
As with any cleanse it is necessary to eat a clean and healthy diet in order to achieve the best results.
DISCLAIMER: Let's Be Vegan LLC does not intend for any of the information provided on this website to take the place of the advice given by your medical professional. It is intended for informational purposes only. Do NOT give to children. DO NOT take if you are pregnant, actively trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Do not take if you are on pharmaceutical prescriptions without consulting your doctor or health care professional. Always consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement or regimen. Do not take if you have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, IBD, or other gastrointestinal disorders without talking to your medical professional FIRST! These statements are for educational purposes only and have not been approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
What Are Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites are parasites that can infect the gastro-intestinal tract of humans and other animals. They can live throughout the body, but most prefer the intestinal wall where they can leech and steal our vital nutrients and release harmful toxins into our bodies causing a long list of common and not so common ailments.
How We Get Them
Becoming infected with intestinal parasites is much easier and more common than most of us think. Parasites can easily get into the intestines by entering the mouth by eating uncooked or unwashed food, such as meat, poultry, seafood (fish in particular is full creepy worms and parasites), Even those of us that eat plant based diets are just as susceptible. In fact, the one downside to eating organic produce (besides the hefty price) is that little critters and parasites want to eat them too and if we don't properly clean our vegetables we are surely infecting ourselves. Contamination can also happen by skin contact with larva infected soil. They can also be transferred by certain sexual acts such as anilingus. And even from traveling to places without clean water. Humans can also pick up certain parasites from pets, walking barefoot outside. As you can tell its quite easy to get them, they are simply apart of our environment. The problem is that it todays world, we are simply unaware that there is a need for routine cleansing.
Parasites That Infect Humans
Common parasites that affect humans, Pinworms (sometimes called threadworms) pinworms are among the most common parasites to infect children along with adults. Parents have often reported seeing threadworms in diapers. The most common symptoms of threadworms is anal itching, primarily at night when the adult worms crawl outside of the anus to lay their eggs (GROSS). Tapeworms most people think of dogs when they think of tapeworms, although there are species of tapeworms that do infect humans. Much like the species that infects dogs, they also attach to the intestines where they leech and steal nutrients, often causing an insatiable appetite for food, even right after consuming a meal Roundworms, Hookworms, Blood Flukes.
You would think that with all the many symptoms that can be caused by parasites that they would be easily detected by medical doctors and physicians, right? Unfortunately the answer is no. Many medical doctors won't even consider it a possibility unless you've recently traveled to a 3rd world country or have been exposed to some extremely unsanitary conditions. Even then, if you are able to convince them that an infestation is possible and you are able to submit lab work for testing, the results almost always turn out to be falsely negative. Which is extremely disappointing and frustrating. Especially when you are looking for answers regarding your health. Think about it for a second, a vet can accurately diagnose a puppy with parasites in no time but when it comes to us it's a totally different story.
How To Get Rid Of Them
There are so many methods that can be used to rid parasites. The most common pharmaceutical drug used to treat parasites is Praziquantel. The problem with this method is that not only is Praziquantel a chemical compound, it is also not very effective and the dangers of the side effects are not even worth it. Luckily, there are natural treatment options as well. There are various herbal tinctures, pills and capsules that can help eliminate parasites. The problem with many of these methods is that they are simply not potent enough and are made with low quality stale herbs that have been sitting on the shelf of your local health food store for months and months. When it comes to herbs freshness and quality are extremely important.
In order to effectively remove parasites you need cleanse in two phases using very specific bitter herbs. The first phases last for a minimum of two to three weeks of treatment followed by 2 weeks of non-treatment then repeat the process. The first phase focuses on killing and removing larger parasites. The second phase removes the leftover eggs or smaller parasites that may have been left behind or that have hatched. It is not uncommon to extend the cleansing phases for much longer if necessary, especially if you have never done a parasite cleanse before.
About Cleansing With Bitters
Bitter herbs are nothing like those sweet little herbal detoxes. I always tell people that bitter herbs are reserved for the herbal gangsters of the world. They are strong and bitter but most importantly they are effective. I still remember doing my first herbal parasite cleanse. I took my first sip and thought to myself "Wait, this sh#t can't be right" Lol but it was and it worked like a charm.
Bitter herbs have been used by cultures around the world and throughout history to treat digestive issues and maintain digestive health. This is because when it come to digestive health "Bitter is Better." It may be hard to believe but our tastebuds serve a much bigger purpose than most people know. Our tastebuds literally serve as signals letting our bodies know how to react to what we are eating or drinking. When we drink bitter herbs like the ones in this cleanse, they stimulate and promote healthy digestion. They signal our bodies production of saliva, bile as well as liver and kidney functioning. Sadly, their healing benefits have been forgotten in much of today's society and we have become more and more indulgent in the sweet and salty flavors.
The Benefits of Cleansing
There are many benefits to cleansing the body of harmful and toxic parasites. People ofter report a loss of excess weight (especially around the mid section), mental clarity, regulation of the appetite, softer hair, relief from chronic issues with candida or yeast infections, clearer more glowing skin, more regular bowel movements along with relief from many other symptoms. My personal experience with herbal parasite cleansing is full of amazing benefits. I routinely cleanse myself twice a year for routine maintenance. I always notice that my waist get smaller, my skin becomes more softer and supple, my energy increases and my hormones become more regulated, my nails become stronger and my appetite decreases.
What Happens During The Cleanse? The "Scoop on the Poop"
During the cleansing process you will be require to drink 3-4 cups of the herbal tea each day for 2 weeks then you will take a break for weeks and repeat the process. While cleansing most people will experience an increase in bowel movements. Usually anywhere between 3-4 a day. Which help to flush out unwanted parasites, yeast, mucus and toxins. Will you see things in your poop? Maybe and maybe not. Some people see things and some people will not. In general things come out in pieces and are often too compacted in stools to see but....I'll just tell you from my personal experience that I have seen all kinds of critters and weird things while cleansing. You may notice things that look like rice, (usually tapeworm segments, which are more common than you would think) string, seeds, nuts, yeast, mucus and even things that resemble tomatoes skins (flukes). The good thing is that nothing comes out alive or alone. Things come compacted in your stools so if you're afraid of what you'll see just don't look.