Let's Be Vegan Free 7- Day Family Challenge
Here are some of the recipes included in your FREE 7-Day meal plan
Thanks for participating. Payments/Donations are NOT required but are greatly appreciated. The funds received will be used to host free family vegan workshops.
What's Included
Free 7-Day Shopping List
Free 7-Day Meal Plan with Family Friendly Meals Including Lunchbox Recipes for Kids
Coupons for some of our favorite products
Soy Free, Gluten Free & Allergen Friendlly Options
PRIZES, tag us and use the #LETSBEVEGANCHALLENGE on social media hashtag to be eligible.
What you will need
There are definitely a few household items that will make this challange and healthy eating much easier. A blender and a food processor is needed for a few recipes. Neither of these need to be expensive. You can find both of these items very inexpensively at your local target or walmart. For more information on useful items. Please visit my Tips for Getting Started page.
What to do after the 7 days
I strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of all of the resoources on this site. I am constantly posting recipes and creating ecookbooks full of super easy and delicious recipes.
Special Thanks To The Following
Sovereign Organics
Hey everyone we and thank you for visiting our Let's Be Vegan Free 7-Day Family Challenge. I am Shantelle Gary, mother of 7 year old Izzy. We decided to put this challange together because we believe that nothing strengthens the family bond like enjoying a healthy and delicious meal together, and nothing makes you feel more excluded than transitioning your diet alone. We also believe that getting healthy and eating better is a journey that should not be taken alone, but as a family. So what we have done is compile some of our favorite recipes that feature foods that we actually enjoy in our everyday lives, in hopes that you and your family will be encouraged and equipped to start a new healthier, cruelty free journey together. Our one goal is simple, we want to show you just how easy, delicious and healthy a vegan plant based diet can be..
We whole heartedly believe that there is great power in numbers and that participating in the challenge with other families will provide a great sense of encouragement and accomplishment to all of the families that participate. We encourage everyone participating to share their progress on social media via our facebook page below and via instagram by tagging us and using our hashtag #Letsbeveganchallenge.
It was very important for the both of us to include recipes that were family friendly with easy to find and accesible ingredients. Some of these recipes are from my various Ecookbooks, my blog and some are exclusive to this challange. Everything from super healthy and delicious smoothie options, quick and easy dinner ideas and even school lunch recipes for children. We also strongly support the concept of eating an exclusively plant based diet free from faux meats. We also provide SOY FREE, GLUTEN FREE and ALLERGY FRIENDLY options. Additionally we will share some delicious alternatives and products to things like cheese, milk, yogurt and even body care products. So that you will know what your options are.
Izzy and I both consider ourselves animal rights activist and plant based diet advocates. I personally feel extremely obliged to share what I know with all that are willing to listen. This project is truly a labor of love and Izzy and I are grateful to be able to provide it to you all for free, in hopes that it will inspire you to change the way you look at food. What we do ask of you is that you help us encourage others by helping us spread the word about our misson and challenge. Simply sharing links to this page and supporting us on social media is payment enough. However, if you feel inspired to give a gratitude donation, you can do so via the link below. Donations will be used to help fund healthy eating cooking workshops in underprivledged communities. Also, if you know of any resources that will help us provide workshops in you area please contact me by email at Shantelle@Letsbevegan.com. I would love to hear from you.